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A new mission for L&D leaders

As a leader in the L&D community, you have mountains to move.

Every day you show up to do work that matters, but the system is rigged against you.

There’s a dangerous myth–that your job is train people to comply, to follow rules, and to give as little as possible. Industrialism is based on drawing boxes – and pushing people to stay neatly inside them.

As we move from an industrial age to one based on connection, creativity and forward motion, that’s not working the way it used to.

Organizations that maintain compliance are getting left behind.

The visionaries who thrive despite disruption reward the ones who step up, speak up, and show up energized and empathetic.

More is possible for your organization and your people. And it won’t come from compliance-based training and boring meetings.

We’re inviting a small group of L&D Leaders to our August altMBA session to collaborate and learn from each other in a special new way. It’s the chance to see differently and create a way forward for your teams, with the highest level of support possible.

More is possible.

And you’re ready to leap with us, more is inevitable.

We are looking forward to working with you. Check out our teams page for more details.